A Banner Year for Hydrangeas in New England

Hydrangeas are so easy to please. This year with a milder winter they are happier than ever. Ask anyone in the northeast and they will tell you.

Our Hydrangea Heads

I get a huge kick out of these vases. I have been collecting them for a few years to entertain myself as I run errands and restock essentials. The classical heads are from Amazon, the Gold one is from a Target. The white one in the middle is from a local grocer. They make me smile, no matter what I fill them with, but the hydrangeas are particularly amusing to me.

Before you ask, I don’t do anything to achieve this color. They start out as a lighter blue and then darken to this shade. My daughter gave this one to me in a pot for Mother’s Day one year and we planted it to see what might happen. There were no blooms for a few years, just gorgeous green leaves and now this.

As a child, my grandmother sent me down to the beach where a train use to run, to dig up old railroad spikes for her hydrangeas. They were a beautiful deep purple as a result, or so she claimed

Wherever you are this summer, I hope you are enjoying the hydrangeas


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