Bird Watcher

Happy National Bird Day! Yes, that is what January 5th is:). I have been lucky enough to always live in places with lots of backyard birds, so in my world, everyday is National Bird Day.

January 5th

This new title sums it up perfectly. It turns out I have been a slow birder all my life too. Finding happiness in my own back yard.

In the city, our neighbor had a huge cherry tree that grew up over the fence and spread many branches over our little garden too. In the spring it was a bird magnet. My sister’s room on the third floor had a bay window with a Birds Eye View. I spent a lot of time sneaking in for a better look. She spent a lot of time screaming at me to get out of her room:). I tried to point out the blue jays, hoping to intrigue her, but she still insisted that I leave.

In the summer, a bank of rosehips behind our beach cottage was also a popular bird sanctuary. As a bonus, we had a pigeon hawk nest in the porch soffit, that meant we were literally up with the birds. When you live near water, you are surrounded by birds.

When birds nest on the porch or in the hedge, I am thrilled and put up signs asking the humans to find alternate routes. I keep the feeders full and try new blends and nuggets, I slice up fruit for them – which has led to some under the breath mumbling of “ the birds eat better than I do” by some household members.

This time of year, on epiphany, we take down our Christmas tree and set it up outside with fresh garlands of popcorn and mandarin slices by one of our windows. Will post a picture later in the week.

The post Bird Watcher appeared first on Notablerose.

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