Easter Hunts

Truth be told, I like easter hunts more than any of my family members ever have, but I still plan them anyway.

Originally the hunt was just for the basket. The Easter bunny left a trail of foot prints to follow. For a few years we had outside hunts, rising early to scatter the eggs in the yard before the children woke. One of my favorites was the duck hunt.,. I hid rubber duckies in the field and set them loose in the wet grass.

But Easter weather can be fickle in New England….one year the yard was sheer ice and I resorted to just tossing eggs out the back door.

After that, I moved the hunt, if you can call it that, indoors…. It was basically find your name at the table and enjoy your basket

This year, as everyone is north of 20 and south of 65, I am trying something new,…. Filling Easter eggs with jigsaw puzzle pieces . That we can put together – I know! Genius – right? Don’t worry – it’s a 20 piece puzzle. There are only 6 of us. I have already received a few eye rolls…. .but I am going to do it anyway:)

The post Easter Hunts appeared first on Notablerose.

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