Falling Back

Redstone Rail Trail

I am one of those annoying people who loves, loves, loves, the four seasons and is an early to bed, early to rise character. I don’t know why. One of our children use to say – there is something wrong with us – we are like farmers we get up so early – while their father called out to them “sleep when your dead” on his way down the stairs. I don’t sleep in. I never have. I am awake and ready to go between 5-6 am daily.

So, unlike many, I look forward to the time change and earlier sunrises..There has been so much back and forth about Daylight Savings Time, that I am frankly, confused. Some states have passed referendums, while others have not. Arizona and Hawaii do not observe DST, nor do US dependencies/territories. – like Puerto Rico. – I think I have that right, but don’t hold me to it. The bill passed the Senate, but is languishing in the House. There are pros and cons arguments as to whether it is beneficial or harmful to the economy and our health. I know it confuses my dogs – they are ready to eat at certain times – no matter what the clock says.

I also use to like the Fall Back rituals – changing the clocks, checking the batteries – putting out cloves to try and deter the mice, who will inevitably move in as the temperatures drop. Nowadays, practically every time piece in our household resets itself – except, mysteriously, for our cars which are basically just computers on wheels these days and my cardinal cuckoo clock. Even so, I still put out the cloves.

The post Falling Back appeared first on Notablerose.

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