Favorite Things

50 of Rosie’s Favorite Things

1. Celebrations

2. Gardenias

3. Rainbows

4. Bubbles

5. Wreaths

6. Kaleidoscopes

7. Music

8. Bags with Prints

9. Crocs

10. Amazon.com

11. Swimming

12. Yarn Stores

13. Nature Walks

14. Hummingbirds

15. Deer

16. Microfleece

17. Dogs

18. Champagne

19. Chocolate

20. Flags

21. Sunsets

22. Car Magnets

23. Nutcrackers

24. Star Gazing

25. Coffee

26. Gingerbread Houses

27. Snow Days

28. Bourbon

29. My iPod

30. Audiobooks

31. Farmer’s Markets

32. New Yorker Covers

33. Confetti

34. MC Escher Prints

35. Beach Combing

36. Hot Tubs

37. Picnics

38. Islands

39. Full Moons

40. Musicals

41. Berry Picking

42. Manhattan

43. Hot House Tomatos

44. Butterfly Houses

45. Air Dried Sheets

46. Breakfast in Bed

47. Book Stores

48. Art Supplies

49. Cashmere

50. Bird Feeders

The post Favorite Things appeared first on Notablerose.

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