I Hope That It’s Only Amnesia

Recently, as a passenger, on a Saturday morning drive, I became disoriented and confused. repeatedly asking the same questions and not recognizing where I was, or remembering that we had moved two months prior. With a stroke history, my husband drove me to the nearest ER, where I had a battery of MRIs , CT scans and Ultrasounds. The official dx was TGA- trans global amnesia. Not serious, but alarming… if no one knows what causes it, can it happen again?

More ominously, and apparently totally unrelated, a large mass was found in my left lung that mystified everyone. Maybe the TGA was my body’s way of saying- this shouldn’t be here.

As they repeated the tests with contrasts, I found myself singing the chorus of Jon Pousette- Dart’s song in my head, to stay calm as I glided in and out of the machinery. Part of the sound track of my lackluster college career in the late 70s, I found I could recall most of the album songs and lyrics, even without downloading it onto my phone. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but it is kind of fascinating how it works. I could not tell you what I had for breakfast, but I knew every note and word of this album.

Obviously, this is a to be continued tale, with biopsies and more specialists than a New York Times Diagnosis column, but for now my mantra is “I hope that it’s only amnesia”

Anyway, thank you Jon Pousette-Dart, wherever you are, for helping this old girl stay calm and carry on.

The post I Hope That It’s Only Amnesia appeared first on Notablerose.

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