May Day

Of all the places I have lived, and people I have met – no one knows what I am talking about when I describe the Maypole Dance at my Manhattan school playground, except my former classmates.

Our gym teacher brought out a record player onto the playground and we skipped and ducked and wove our colored ribbons around. I want to say that the music was by Stradivarius, but I could not swear to it. How I loved it. I hope it is a tradition that has survived. Although the pagan fertility origins of the dance may have rendered it obsolete for this century:)

Another favorite was making May Day baskets. Lucky for me my birthday falls at the end of April so I am able to find some flowers easily. The last time I made someone know I made a May Day basket they looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language they didn’t understand. Since then I have learned to keep some of my childhood traditions to myself

2020 Basket

2021 Basket

Thank you Margaret Duckett for teaching us fun May Day traditions

The post May Day appeared first on Notablerose.


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