Nesting Season

We are starting to run out of doors to let the dogs out. We have finches nesting at the porch door and turtles at the dog door. The back door is an option, except for the rabbit nest over by the high bush blueberries. Fortunately they are alert and can find cover faster than any of our dogs can run.

It fascinates me how birds pick a wreath on a door to nest in. We are surrounded by trees, but somehow they decided that this is the spot.

Likewise with the turtle. Our property has a brook on the southern border and an open meadow. To get into the dog yard, the turtle had to navigate a fence that is sunk into the ground – except by the gate – that must be how she came in – but it seems like it would have been easier to dig a hole outside the fence.

This is life in the country. It is surprising to me how many visitors have a fear of nature – wildlife to them is something to be kept away or disposed of. Many consider nests to be a nuisance and they can be messy. To me, we are the interlopers, not them. The Birds and Turtles were here long before we were. Same for the coyote, deer, fox, bats fisher cats, rabbits and mice. I appreciate being able to share their habitat and if it means I have to avoid an entryway for a few weeks – I am more than all right with that.

The post Nesting Season appeared first on Notablerose.


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