Storm Prep

I don’t know why, but I have always liked the anticipation of a storm. Storing the outside furniture, pulling out the flash lights, checking the batteries, filling the jugs with water and the cars with gas. Checking the peanut butter and jelly supply. I always keep a loaf of bread in the freezer, so I don’t have to brave a grocery store. Mostly I have lived through blizzards and hurricanes and countless nor’easters.

Flashlight Lanterns

When I lived 30 miles at sea – summer storms were a challenge. The island population is filled with visitors from off island who panic and start hoarding. Many have never been in a major storm and their imaginations run wild. Their carts piled high as they frantically clog the grocery store aisles and clear the shelves.

Of course, it’s a great educational experience, until you have felt the house shake in 100 mph winds, see the storm surge move inland, and boats get tossed ashore, it’s hard to appreciate the full force of Mother Nature.

One time a friend was visiting from off island a few days after a storm and she was amazed to see empty milk and bread shelves. That’s the way it is, the boats don’t run and the supplies don’t reach the stores. We were always raised,to just take what you need, so others can have some too, but those days are long gone.

Now with battery powered LED lights, it’s easy to stock up with every size and shape, from tea lights to lanterns and you don’t have to worry about leaving a candle burning by mistake. My favorites are the flashlight lanterns. They provide light without occupying your hands. With tea lights you can turn any jar into a lantern also. You can throw a little sand in the bottom of the jar first to keep the light from shifting.

We have been known to make – emergency candles – with sticks of butter and crayons – but I don’t recommend it . Over at Tree Hugger they have lots of MacGyver style ideas- link below.

Nowadays, my storm prep list is a little longer as I charge cell phones and iPads and battery back up chargers, so we can operate off of a hot spot if necessary when we lose the Wifi along with the power. However, I no longer have to pull the boats from the water and this I do not miss.

Stay safe out there everybody

The post Storm Prep appeared first on Notablerose.


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