Summer Laundry -Air drying

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One of my favorite summer delights is sleeping on air dried sheets. We mix a box of borax with a box of washing soda and use a scoop per load. Once you have tried it- you will never go back. You don’t really need a scent when drying outdoors, but if you want one – add a few drops of essential oil to kosher salt – and mix that in too.

Favorite combination

These are a new discovery for me – They are reusable and scentless – Don’t ask me how they work – it’s pretty amazing. You put a few in a muslin bag and throw in the washer – Handy for traveling

It’s not for everyone and everyplace. Lots of homeowner’s associations prohibit clothes lines, others permit drying yards – that are fenced around the clothesline –

You need a breeze and a clothesline that isn’t under trees where birds, bugs and other debris can fall onto your laundry. You don’t want to leave them out to bake stiff, so after lunch is my preferred time to hang.

As a bonus, the sun’s ultra violet rays will whiten your whites.

For inspiration – Look for Helga Stentzel on Instagram – she creates artwork with her laundry – see below – you can purchase photographs of her creative line drying also.

The most creative I have every been was using brightly colored bird shaped clothespins – which did make me smile.

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