The Barber is In 💈

WAHL has become one of my favorite four letter words. As the world shut down months ago we wondered what to do about our hair. The woman who had cut our hair for 25 years had recently retired and told my husband what attachment to use for his hair clipping if he wanted me to do it. I rolled my eyes.

Our daughter was adamantly opposed to the idea and slightly appalled. We ordered the clippers anyway and they sat on a bathroom shelf with the hairdryer.

I have never been a beauty salon devotee. I never found a George Roundy or Truvy Jones character in my real life. I tried all different kinds of places hoping to find one. I have thick hair and I don’t color it, so I am not an exciting prospect for most hair dressers – but I digress.

One morning , around six weeks into the shutdown, after some pestering, I decided to give the WAHL a try. I read the directions and watched a You Tube video. I stifled more than one laugh as my husband tried repeatedly to supervise me. It was surprisingly easy. (He doesn’t have much hair). It was all over within 10 minutes. I filed it under – is there anything she can’t do?

Soon it became routine. I trimmed him every four weeks. I ordered a plastic cape to replace the beach towel we had been using.

Meanwhile , my hair grew longer and longer, but I just pulled it back and put it in a twist with a scrunchie. When I couldn’t take it anymore 7 months in….I asked my husband to try and cut it. The clipper kit came with scissors. He deferred to my daughter. She was busy zooming, so I washed my hair, put it in a pony tail, held it up while looking in the mirror and snipped. Easy Peasy. Goodbye Split Ends.

Needless to say, while others have been receiving emails and coupons and offers from their hair stylists to come back in. My in box is empty.

I offered to cut my daughter’s hair, with my pony tail technique, but she politely declined and did her best to conceal her horror.

I am not the only one. If you Google DIY haircuts, there are countless videos, pages of instructions and stories like mine. A new skill set surprise.

The post The Barber is In 💈 appeared first on Notablerose.


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