Time to Wake up The Garden

Week 15

A garden doesn’t have to be a major undertaking - try a container or a hanging basket - just grow one thing and you are a gardener.

So many plants that we purchase at garden centers fail because they are over fertilized and crammed into pots that are too small, not because you don’t have a green thumb.

We are laissez faire gardeners, because it’s fun to see what pops up.

Not everything works - and that’s OK.

Just enjoy the plants that do grow.

We are big fans of Lasagna Gardens for Containers and Raised Beds. As a Bonus you get to reduce your yard and cardboard waste

This Week in History

1894 April 19th Patriot’s Day Commemorates the Battles of Concord & Lexington and The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.

A legal holiday in Maine & Massachusetts, celebrated on the third Monday in April, which falls on the 17th this year.

Patriot’s Day is also Marathon Monday.

Everyone can make a difference

This Week’s Record Breaker

Word of the Week

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