Where the wild things grow.

Our driveway is rather untidy

Bindweed blossom aka wild morning glory

We live on a wooded lot off of a Main Street in New England . The road to our house is not paved. On one side we have a field where lavender grows in rows with some bee hives. It is mowed most weeks. On the other side there is a stone fence that is overgrown with whatever blows in and take root. I like to think this makes me a laissez- faire gardener. Others might call me lazy.

My children take exception to what they perceive as the unkempt nature of the property. True, it is not cut back or manicured. To me , it’s a daily treasure hunt of sorts. When I walk along the drive I find all kinds of natural wonders. Ferns, fungi and flowers; birds, butterflies, and bugs; wild berries and grapes that pop up depending on the season. This week the wild morning glories made me smile. Last month it was honeysuckle and roses. Some of what grows is native and most are accidental. There are quite a few invasives and of course, the undesirables, ginger, bittersweet and poison ivy. Yesterday was a blue day. Bluebirds, blue dragonflies and blue swallowtail butterflies were on display. Two does ambled into the brush for cover. A turkey hen with her poults hurried across the driveway and into the thicket. Bunnies ventured out and turned back when they saw me. I have seen groundhogs, foxes, snapping turtles, fisher cats and coyotes along the drive. It’s not a mess, as one child proclaimed, it’s a habitat that reveals a new treasure everyday, if you look. Just another example of beauty that is in the eye of the beholder.

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